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Cold Pressed Neem Oil

Vedikagri’s neem oil is cost effective alternative to control the pests/insecticides. Adding suitable emulsifier with terra neem oil (Soapnut powder is advised as natural emulsifier) can be used as natural pesticide.

Vedikagri’s Neem harnesses the neem’s Natural power with Indian Traditional way with Absolute No Heat technology. Neem Products are produced without chemicals, petrochemicals and retains all the well balanced nutrients in the oil. It is non-toxic to humans, birds, earthworms and animals.

  • It helps in maintaining environmental health by reducing the level of pollution.
  • It reduces the cost of agricultural production and also improves the soil health.
  • It also reduces human and animal hazard by reducing the level of residue in the product.
  • It helps in keeping agricultural production for higher level and makes it sustainable.
  • It ensures optimum utilization of natural resources for a short-term benefit and helps in conserving them for future generation.
  • It reduces risk of crop failure and increases crop yield by 15-20%.
  • Unlike chemical it saves environment without pollution. Free from poison content in the agricultural products.
Crop Pests
Paddy Stem borers, army worms, thrips, gall midges, mealy bugs, leaf hoppers, rice hispa, ear head bug etc
Sugarcane Early shoot borer, stem borer, internode borer, top borer, white grubs, leaf hoppers, scales, mealy bugs, white flies etc
Cotton Aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips, white flies, spotted boll worms, pink boll worms, cotton stainer, blister beetle, Helicoverpa etc
Pulses (bengal gram, chickpea, cow pea, pigeon pea, grams etc) Gram pod borer, pod fly, spotted pod borer, pod bug, pulse beetle etc
Vegetables Shoot and fruit borers, stem borers, leaf beetles, fruit flies, semi loopers, spotted beetles, Diamond Back Moth, leaf webbers, scales, mites etc
Oil Seed crops (Groundnut, sunflower, gingely etc) Red Hairy Caterpillars, leaf miners, aphid, stem borers, pod flies, thrips, caterpillars etc
Palm varieties (Coconut, arecanut, oil palm, date palm ) Rhinoceros beetle, red palm weevil, black headed caterpillars, white grubs, root grubs, scales, eriyophid mites, inflorescence caterpillars, spindle bugs etc
Spice crops (cardamom, pepper, turmeric, ginger, chillies, onion etc) Thrips, caterpillars, aphids, rhizome borers, pollu beetle, shoot borers, capsule borers, fruit borers,
Coffee Stem borer, berry borer, scales, mealy bugs, leaf hoppers
Tea Tea mosquito bugs, spider mites etc
Fruit crops (Grapes, guava, sapota, pine apple, pomegranate, banana , citrus, oranges, apple, mango, ber, etc) Hoppers, stem borers, fruit borers, fruit flies, leaf miners, flea beetle, fruit sucking moths, leaf webbers, tea mosquito etc
Millets (ragi, sorgham etc) Shoot fly, stem borer, ear head bug, midge, pink borer, cut worms, flea beetles
Floriculture All pest complexes
Controling pests/ Other insecticides:

As per Vedikagri’s neem approach, the agricultural university tested the field with Terra neem® oil and with other chemicals and commercial grade products. Excellent results were provided by Neem oil compared to other chemical and commercial grade products.

Over advantages :
  • It is biodegradable.
  • It is emulsifiable
  • It is effective against a broad spectrum of insect pests
  • It is eco-friendly
  • Harmless to plants- Non phytotoxic.
  • Eco-friendly, maintains the stability of soil fertility.
  • Growth regulation (eradication of pest)
  • Greater production
  • Compatible in nature
  • Application is easy
  • Economical
  • Better shelf-life compared to other bio pesticides

Knapsack Sprayer Tractor Sprayer Helicopter Sprayer
1Litre 25 Litres 50 Litres
Take the above mentioned quantity of water
Knapsack Sprayer Tractor Sprayer Helicopter Sprayer
10 grams 2 Kilograms 4 Kilograms
Add the above mentioned quantity of natural emulsifier (ecological friendly detergent ) with the water and stir vigorously. (we recommend Terra soapnut powder as natural emulsifier )
Knapsack Sprayer Tractor Sprayer Helicopter Sprayer
50 ml 10 Litres 25 Litres
Add the above mentioned quantity of Terra Neem Oil with the above concentration and stir vigorously.
Knapsack Sprayer Tractor Sprayer Helicopter Sprayer
10 Litres 2000 Litres 5000 Litres
Add this mixture to the above mentioned quantity of water as per the sprayer type.
And stir thoroughly

Tests Result
Azadirachtin Min 3500 ppm ( 0.35 % Min)
Nimbin Min 4000 ppm ( 0.4 % Min)
Salanin Min 6000 ppm ( 0.6 % Min)
Color in 1/4″ cell by lovibond tintometre scale (expressed as Y +5R) as per IS:548:1990 4 : 34 Units
Specific gravity at 27 Deg C as per IS:548:Part-1:1990 0.921 Min
Refractive Index at 47 Deg C as Per IS:548:1990 1.45 Min
Saponification value as per IS:548:Part-1:1990 203.9
Moisture and Insolvable Impurities as per IS:548:Part-1:1990 0.17 W/W
Iodine Value as per IS:548:Part-1:1990 71 Units
Biological Identification Neem oil
  • a . Acid Value
  • b. Free Acid Value
  • c. Peroxide Value
  • d. Titre Value
  • 3.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.2
  • 10 -12 C
Aflatoxin B1 Less than 2ppm
Total aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) Less than 4ppm
PESTICIDES REPORT (Alpha-BHC, Beta-BHC, Gamma-BHC, Delta-BHC, O.P’-DDT, P.P´DDT, Endrin, Dieldrin, Endosulfan, Heptachlor, Parathion Methyl, Diazinon, Fenitrothion, Aldrin, Parathion, alathion, Ethion, Dicofol, Heptachlor Epoxid, Chlorpyrifos, Fenvalerate NOT DETECTED
TESTS (arsenic, cadmium, chlorides copper, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc, molybdenum, selenium) NIL
E.coli per gm NIL
Salmonela Absent
Aflatoxin Tests Absent
Quality and International Standard.

The above test will done by GmbH Germany Inspection agency and new certificate will be send to you for each shipments.

Micro biological analysis:

The study with Neem Oil shows that salmonella and e.coli bacteria are totally absent.

Pesticide Residue :

The study of the analysis conducted on Neem Oil certifies that no pesticide residues detected.

Heavy Metal analysis:

We can provide reports on heavy metal analysis.

Toxicology study :

We can provide the report which shows the absent of toxic.

Controling pests/ Other insecticides:

As per Vedikagri’s neem approach, the agricultural university tested the field with Terra neem® oil and with other chemicals and commercial grade products. Excellent results were provided by Neem oil compared to other chemical and commercial grade products.

Testing :

Every Batch of neem oil is tested by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to determine the azadiractin content as over 3500 ppm ( parts per million ) or 0.35%. Most batches are in excess of 3700 ppm and even as high as 4000 ppm.

The same batch of oil is further tested by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC ) to certify that no aflatoxin is detected by this method.

To supply the Terra neem oil to EUROPEAN UNION (EU) Countries, Neem Oil is further tested by HPLC to detect Aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) the study proved that aflatoxin level is below traceable.

Neem oil As Foliar Fertilizer ( foliar Drench of the soil )

Through our research and test we found that neem oil also has the nutritional values as follows

S.No Parameter Result
1. Total Nitrogen as N 1.20% by mass
2. Phosphorus as P 0.07% by mass
3. Potassium as K 0.01% by mass
4. Copper as Cu 10 ppm
5. Zinc as Zn 20.00 ppm
6. Magnesium as Mg 0.03% by mass
7. Magnesium as Mn 0.40 ppm
8. Organic matter 98%

So vedikagri Neem oil can also be used as a natural feed to the Agricultural Crops, Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Greenhouses, Shadehouses, Glasshouses, Ornamentals, Plantations, Interiors capes, Horticulture, Landscapes, Nurseries, Turf Grass, Shrubs, Trees etc.

Chemical Name Neem Oil
Chemical Class Botanical
CAS No 8002-65-1
Physical State Liquid
Appearance Brown Viscous Liquid
Odor Characteristic Neem fragrant odor
pH 7 ± 0.02
Vapor Pressure 38 at 200oC
Boiling Point More than 100oC
Viscosity Viscous Material
Freezing/Melting Point 14oC
Auto ignition Temperature Above 200oC
Flash Point More than 170oC – No Fire Hazard
Explosion Limit , Lower None
Explosion Limit, Upper None
Decomposition Temperature None
Solubility in Water Emulsifies with water
Specific Gravity Density 0.84 g/ml
Molecular Formula Not applicable
Molecular weight Not applicable
Chemical Stability Stable at ordinary condition of use and storage.
Conditions to Avoid No restriction
Incompatibilities with other materials None
Hazardous Decomposition Products No hazardous material produced
Hazardous Polymerization Does not occur
Acute Toxicity Acute oral Rat LD 50 >500mg/kg Acute Dermal Rat LD 50> 2000 mg/kg Inhalation – Rat LC 50 > 5.4 mg/l
Primary Eye Irritation Non irritant
Primary Skin Irritation Non irritant
Skin Sensitization Non Sensitizer
Chronic Toxicity
Mutation Assay Non Mutagenic
Non Mutagenic No Neurotoxicity
Reproductive Toxicity None
Carcinogenicity Non Carcinogenic
Effects on Spray Operators No adverse effects.
Effect on Honey Bees Harmless
Effect on Earthworm(LC50) Harmless
Effect on Predators Harmless
Hazard to soil microflora Non Hazardous
Acute Toxicity to fish-rainbow Trout ( LC50) 1.6 mg/ltr
AlgalInhibition Test Non inhibitory / Non stimulant
Metabolism in Soil Rapid Decomposition in Soil
Degradability in water Readily biodegradable in water E.P.A. Classifies as non-toxic.

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty , express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no way shall the company be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such information.

Soil Nematodes:

Soil Nematodes are typically found in surprisingly high numbers in Soil, which disturbs the roots and affects the plants growth.

Vedikagri Neem-Oil controls its growth and manipulation. Result : color difference to find the difference


Leafhopper are one of the largest families of the plant feeding insects

Vedikagri Neem-Oil controls hatching its eggs and the azaratihtin controls its growth and eating leaves.


They are small soft-bodied insects. Aphids’ feeding after causes leaves to curl and become deformed.

Vedikagri Neem-Oil controls its growth and acts its harmonial system naturally.

White flies:

They are small winged insects, which look more like moths than flies. Feeding the leaves and its eggs are very small and almost invisible.

Vedikagri Neem Oil prevents Hatching its eggs and reproduction.

Mealy Bug:

They make up a variety of genera consisting of sucking insects that are often covered by a powderly coating of wax.

Vedikagri Neem-Oil controls the total growth and reproduction.